Bet Backgammon

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Join the Backgammon Live revolution! Take on players from around the world in real time and feel Feel the rush of excitement as you take on challengers from across the world in the #1 backgammon game. Play in real time and feel the rush of excitement with every roll of the dice. Unlock new boards, coin rewards and special items as you put your. Scoring and betting in backgammon also involves ‘points’, but these are scoring points, a different type of ‘point’ to the ‘points’ on the board. In order to avoid confusion you can think of the points on the board as ‘board points’ and the points you win from winning games as ‘scoring points’. One of the oldest and most popular board games in the world! Backgammon requires you to move your checkers after a roll of two dice. The number of dots on each die dictate your options. For example, if you roll a five and a one, you must move a checker five points forward, and a second checker one point forward.

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